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Are we followers of "" Sick??? Some people get lost on the Internet every once in a while and end up in a.b.p.g.. They check it out and declare us as Sociopats, Sickos, Idiots and what not. (which btw reveals them, they ARE doctors!!!)
Or sometimes they reveal THE BIG spoiler of our lives, "YOU´RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!". After that we shockingly try to accept the fact and then we continue to read the next post. BUT, sometimes some of us come up with a funny answer to that "Spoiler" post and send it back.
That´s what This page is about.
Funny posts... Again, but without the pictures. Just extremely sarcastic (GOTTA LOVE´EM!!! :-)) replies to narrow-minded (Please, let ME be the Judge of that...:-)) people.
From now on, 990715, this page will include all sorts of "Funny" posts (without pictures) that have appeared on a.b.p.g.
Uh, oh. This AOL customer doesn't like me. Now my feelings are hurt.
Maybe if I never post any more pictures he'll like me. Will you be my
friend, Newone222? I promise not to post any more pictures and I'll give
you a dollar. No, really, I want you to like me!
"lou parsons":
Unlike some of the other people here, I don't want you as my friend. Not
even if you pay me the dollar. I post, even if only once, I actually
learn something here; the tragedy of some peoples existence, the
inhumanity we can show one another and a number of other minor details.
If you have not got the strength of your convictions, meaning you are
too chicken shit to slag people while using your own name, fuck off! I
even find things I cant stand. Poor cats and dogs all messed up. :(
Make it two dollars and he'll even speak to you in public places!
"Drew P. Droz":
Maybe for three bucks he'll "speak through the tube" in pubic places?
Wow. If I'd known it only cost a dollar to buy a friend, I'd have bought
more friends ages ago. Damn.
"Drew P.Droz":
Awww - I'll be your friend, Laura - all my other ones deserted me when they
found out I read abpg postings.
your comments have made me teary eyed.
please be my friend.
"Charles Manson":
What is your problem you stupid Man Child - get real or simply fuck off
- we don't have time for kiddies like you who have a morbid curiosity
but as soon as their feeble minds are tweaked ...they blame others
everyone else has said - Grow up.
he ones to fear are the ones who say & do nothing ...just like the guy
watching your parents place as we talk....
Night night Newone222 - when we come for you will know.
getalife Title:
"what the hell is wrong with this picture??" Posted:
1999-06-18 Comment:
jesus christ!!!!!!you people are fucking sick. you need HELP bad. what in the world would make you want to look at stuff like this???? man's inhumanity to man is bad enough, but to know that some sick bastards like you enjoy it is just to much.
why don't you take pictures of your mother or father or kids all fucked up or laid out on a slab. post that on the net and tell others how proud you are of it!
it is because of sick pukes like you that we need gun control. and you should know that gun control is the ability to hit your target. maybe someday you will be mine and i can post your blown away ass on the net.
till then i hope you have a fucked-up day!!!
sweet dreams sick-o......bang
"Anne Lundy":
I have one question....what are you doing in this newsgroup if it disgusts you?
"Eurasmus B. Black":
Hey fuknutz - if that bang was you committing suicide, send us a pic to wank over, OK?
"Scott Wilcox":
Don't go away mad dude.... just go away!
and your point is??
I got three questions for you:
1. what part of grotesque do you not understand?
2. what does gun control have anything to do with people dying in an automobile accident, plane crash, natural causes. etc.?
3. what if we beat you to it and post your picture first?
oh by the way, here is a pic just for you!
"Drew P. Droz":
OOOH! OOOH! Kiddy Porn - MORE!! Or maybe this was the headless
horseman's birthday?
../~blu~\\.. Title:
"Finally reached the bottom of the pile ....." Posted:
1999-07-10 Comment:
Well I've come across some sad, sick people in Usenet but I think at last I've found the lowest of the low .....
I feel so sorry for you lot, I really, really do.
"Billy the Kid":
I always thought of myself as a happy type person in perfect health. But thanks anyway!
Thanks for your compassion. Hope you are enjoying the photos you have been looking at.
well blu, we appreciate the pity. we here at abpg are only looking for emotional support from caring people such as yourself. lo the times that we spend viewing and posting these pictures in the hopes that a good samaritan will swoop down from cyber space and free are lost and broken souls from the grim reality of our ways. i understand your underlying wishes of what you are saying and i will obey. i only hope that by killing myself, i will gain entry onto your GOOD Usenet people list. but... hummm... would i be out of line if i offed myself online so the rest of the group could enjoy it too?? crut
"mind if i stick a shovel through yer skull??"
Well, I'm glad SOMEONE cares about my unhappy childhood! Hell, you're even more sympathetic than my psychiatrist!
Yes & boy do you need one !!!!! Why don't you take your friends along too???
I just think you people would be a lot better off coming to MY favorite news group I just love little girls!
"Billy the Kid":
Little girls huh? I figured you to be a type of person. Anyway, if you don't like our news group, well, you can suck Llorta's dick!
Not only are you sick in the head, Billy, but you also forge email addresses.
If you want to hold onto your ISP I suggest you stop doing this. I notice, as usual, that there hasn't been much in the way of intelligent responses about just why you people need to look at these pathetic pictures -- just the usual smart ass messages .........
Thanks, Billy, but I'm not THAT desperate at the moment. Besides, you can tell by his name that "blew" would enjoy it too much.
"Billy the Kid":
Your right. He is defiantly showing the tendencies of a man with "blew balls"
"Billy the Kid":
My uncle and the president of my ISP have an agreement. He promises to leave me alone and ignore this group and I promise not to tell anyone we are related. By the way, do you like gladiator movies?
"crut" in response to "../~blu~\\..":
now i'm afraid you are asking for it.
in short, ( cuz there's all ready been more than enough time spent on you ) what fucking business is it of yours anyway why we look at this shit. what is it that you expect in response? insight? get real. who cares. we like it plain and simple. your question is idiotic cuz it don't make a lick of difference if you understand us or not. stop wasting your time here. we are not here to answer your questions. if you are genuinely interested in a certain post, that's fine. no problem. there's ways to get the story. but if you come here to analyze us? ... good luck.
"neff" in response to "../~blu~\\..":
I notice, as usual, that there hasn't been much in the way of intelligent responses about just why you people need to look at these pathetic pictures -- just the usual smart ass messages ......... the real blu
Hmmmm. I see you have spent a bit of time here then. You must need some help.
"Titan2" in response to "../~blu~\\..":
Bite it & leave us alone.
"Quik Fred":
Actually /~blu~\ tried to harass the pre-teen group and got his butt kicked, he's here just trying to build his self-esteem back up.
"../~blu~\\.." in response to "Quik Fred":
Perhaps you could remind me who kicked my butt ???? It certainly wasn't you........
So you stick your snout in this garbage pile as well do you ? Actually this place makes ABPEPT seem fairly healthy. Very bad vibes down here -- some very sick people. I am leaving now and NOT returning .............
blu so sorry for you .....
Say hello to alt.folklore.urban for me.
"crut" in response to "../~blu~\\..":
oh please don't go!! i somehow feel responsible for your hurting feelings. i won't say bad things anymore i promise. except maybe...
"mind if i stick a shovel through yer skull??"
Well thank God for small favors.
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
I get real tired of self-righteous hypocrites like that. If he is so damned good, what the hell was he doing looking in this NG in the first place? The name of the NG is a dead (ha!) giveaway that you aren't going to see Disney cartoons here.
Well, thank christ for that. We don't need pedophiles here ruining the good name of ABPG. Very sick indeed.
(This notification also applies to the "Posts" Page)