
This Page is designed mainly for IE4/5 & NN4 @ 800x600 & 16bit color on a PC platform
What follows now is the Old news, news that are somewhat obsolete, well really because i donīt want the indexpage to get that Big... So i move the old news to this page...
Monday, 03:09 CET |
A buckload of posts (seven of them) starting here, and four new Regulars... Swoon777, Gaming Girl, Viper aaaaaaaaaaand BMOC. Mesa wana go to sleep now-a.
Oh yeah and ummm, a GROSS movie coming up tomorrow...
Sleep Tight! /ColinZeal
Tuesday, 03:48 CET |
Ok, you can see above what time Iīm updating this page, so Iīm pretty glad to be done now...
Anyway, I put up 4 or 5 (but it feels like 6 at this hour... :-/) new Posts at the Posts Page. Lots of VERY Funny comments... Starts at Here
Thatīs it, now I just have to upload this stuff and then Iīm heading for bed (now if that ainīt interesting, then nothing is! ;-))
*YAWN* /ColinZeal
Sunday, 20:16 CET |
Iīm in a hurry so iīll keep it short.
Ok, 4 New Regulars added, (neff, Janne, me and Rachel).
Plus, 3 new movies and additional info to the Anthea and Bud Dwyer incident. Plus some minor changes for surfers with 1280x1024 and above.
Saturday, 23:44 CET |
Ok, Time for an update, Just Regulars this time... the ones added are, Hippie, (Sorry Man, I just discovered that I forgot to add you after receiving you survey a LONG time age... :-/), CS (aka Nihilist) and The Wedge.
If you follow the NG (abpg that is) AND you havenīt filled in the survey, then please go to Regulars and do it.
More Movies???, I will add 3 of them Tomorrow at this time... But donīt take my word for it.
Friday, 14:40 CET |
Tuesday, 01:03 CET |
"More updates tomorrow"?? I meant the Day After tomorrow... ;-)
I added a Movie Tennis.mpg, and two regulars, Who Knows and Rangi Weider. A Post and a couple of addons from Who Knows, Here and Here on the Posts Page.
Thatīs about it...
Bip.net has done it again, they deleted one of my folders, with 4 movies in it...
getting REAL tired with them... Lamers!
Anyhoo, I added a "Broken Link" picture to the appropriate movielinks so people donīt have to be unpleasantly suprised... :-/
Thatīs what i had this time...
Sunday, 02:50 CET |
īK, Iīm back, and iīm not dead as it might have looked like with lack of updates... I added a movie to the Movies section. Suckplan.avi. A guy that gets sucked into air intake of an airplane... Poor guy!
More updates tomorrow... :-)
Saturday 15:21 CET |
Ok, Time for an update again... 3 Posts at the Posts Page, a Discussion and a lot of broken movielinks... *sigh*...
Itīs my Ispīs fault, they deleted my directory (one of them) with like 9 Mb of movies... Thanks to David Scott for pointing that out... I posted Skater.mov and Hare.mpg instantly when i discovered the loss...
So, thatīs it, Iīll keep re-uploading the movies during the week so be patient...
Got myself a new computer, a Celeron 300A (overclocked to 450mhz, works perfectly, though it was kinda Hard to find a 300A... ;-)) and 128 Pc100 Sdram on a ABit BH6 motherboard , so that could be a reason if i donīt update this page that often from now on... Gaming Gaming Gaming!!! :-)
But i WILL continue to subscribe to a.b.p.g. and put the Funny stuff on my pages... No doubt about that...
Wednesday, 01:01 CET |
This Update shouldīve been up last friday, But my Ispīs Ftp Service decided to quit over the weekend... How convenient! A BIG Kick in the Butt for Bip.net!!!
So here comes "Old" news...
4 new regulars added... Demos, Linc,
Psychonutt, and Finally, (After lots of problems with none working surveys... Just for TC i have to add... Never trust AOL i guess... :-)) TheFroon.
And a new Post at the Posts Page plus three new minor posts (only text) added from Psychonutt here, here aaaand here.
Plus I added additional info on two of the movies at the Movies Section. The Vietnam movie and BullAttack2... Thanks for the info people! :-)
Thatīs it.
Tuesday, 13:32 CET |
Ok, Lotsa updates again, was it like four new regulars on the Regulars Page. Billy the Kid, aemilia, crut, and Rescue. Yep, four.
A couple of new comments on the Posts Page from crut. Here and Here
About Billy the Kid, that guy is NEVER Serious... But heīs funny at times... Someone called him a racist the other day and "TheFroon" (if i remember right...) responded to that like, "But didnīt you know? Thatīs one of Billyīs better sides...".
Hilarious, then you start thinking and realize that "TheFroon" was right about that...
Oh btw, donīt forget the new movies that i uploaded yesterday... See below for info about those...
Tuesday, 02:05 CET |
Time for an update again, a rather big one (they donīt come too often... so this is Big!). One new Post, one new regular (Straub), and two new movies Bull.qt and Mentos.mpg. Thatīs it.
I gotta go to sleep.
/ ColinZeal
Saturday, 21.52 CET |
A new Regular and a new Post (at the Posts Page) added.
Other news, in August/September i will get myself my own domainname&server with unlimited access. It will have a capacity of 100Mb, this because iīm tired of people not being able to DL movies from my Movies-section...
Also, i have troubles uploading movies to the damn server!!! >:-(
So, thatīs my plan for the future THANKSFORASKING!!!
And, you may notice if you DL a movie they contain an underscore "_", Why??? That is because some sonofabitch webmaster for a PornSite ("OVER 20000 MOVIES!!!" it says when you visit the site, NO! I wonīt link to the bloody site!!!) links to MY movies. AND they charge for it!!! (no, i donīt get a dime) This will eventually lead to increased traffic on my ISPīs server and when they have had enough, theyīll kick me out!
So thatīs why i regurlarly alter the filenames.
So there you have it. :-)
Monday, 14:23 CET |
Ok, at last i had time, or should we call it, Motivation :-), to update this site... It contains Se7en (always wanted to write that, sorry... :-)) New posts at the Posts Page and one Regular added at Regulars... Who it is??? Itīs the funny guy Llorta.
Ummm... So thatīs it for this time,
Me signing off...
Saturday, 15.25 CET |
About the Survey, i tried it with Netscape 4.03 and it worked fine... Altough the internal hyperlinks on that page donīt work that fine with Netscape... Thereīs an obvious glitch somewhere... Works fine with IE5... I donīt have time to fix it yet... BusyBusyBusy! :-)
I added "Little_Dirty_Johnny" to the List of regulars... Interesting... I thought he was younger, Not that heīs OLD or anything... No offense, I just got the impression that he was about 20-22...
Keep the surveys coming people!
Friday, 23.52 CET |
Two New pages, Regulars Page. It has a Survey intended for the Regulars of ABPG... Fill the blanks and push the "Send" button and iīll put the info up on Regulars Page... Donīt worry, it ainīt TOO personal stuff...
And the other one is "We, SICK?? Page. It contains posts which... AH! To hell with it! Gotta wrap this up! Itīs HILARIOUS!!! Go check it out.
And thereīs a New post on the Posts Page. Check it out
Bye, Gotta hurry.
Thursday, 14.53 CET |
Lack of updates you think ayeh??? Itīs hard to try to update a homepage without a working computer... See, Billīs "WonderOS 95" decided that it (Or maybe itīs a she??? Double pun intended ;-)) wouldnīt be able to create the Registry,
If youīre thinking: "WhatteHellrUTalkingAbout???", then click here
The Backup Registry didnīt work either... So i had to begin to install W95 again by deleting my folders "Win95" and "Program Files" in order to get a somewhat "Fresh" install. Why not formatting the c: drive??? I donīt have anywhere to put my 1 gig o stuff that i wanna keep.
"Registry, "Fresh" install, formatting, gig"??? Having second thoughts??? Click Here
So anyhoo, deleting the folders took a mere 2 hours... :-( LOTS of Temporary Internet Files... like 600 megs of them... Just in case i wanna go to a site and donīt wanna connect to the net (we donīt have a flat rate you see...:-/)
Installing and configuring W95 + a huge amount of programs takes a LOT of time (something like 8 hours) so thatīs what iīve been up to...
Now, the new updates:
A new Post on the Posts Page, and two movies, Vietnam.rm and PissMonkey.mpeg on the Movies Page.
Thatīs about it...
Enjoy Them!
Saturday, 16.28 CET |
Ok, lots of updates. Mainly html stuff, but thereīs other kinds of stuff too... First, thereīs a new Post on the Posts Page and secondly thereīs a little more info on the "Pedophile.mpg", thanks to Darren for that. Third, to compress the Indexpage i moved the older news to a page called, you guessed it, Old News!!!
Then i discovered that the Links Page had a counter inserted in it that shouldnīt be there... (DUH Me!) It counted hits for The Movies Page and that should explain why the that page has 53 hits per day average, but then again, yestarday (friday) the moviespage Did actually have 113 hits, so then my thought is, it canīt be because of the links Page now could it??? Doooonīt think so.
The Movies Page is alive and kicking...
Anyhoo, Gotta sum this up so I wonīt go thru what i changed in my Htmlcode, you can check it by yourself... Just compare it to when you checked it last time... ??? Noo??? Ok.
What follows is the new stuff, a New Post and some new added info to Pedophile.mpg
Cya / ColinZeal
OOOOPS. I happened to check this site at a higher resolution (than 800x600, which i run) and discovered that This site looks like "shaitt", (=Shit, an English word with a Scottish accent, Traispotting influence... :-)). So, it took a lot more time to fix it...
I was ready to upload these files at 14.48 CET but it always doesnīt go as you planned in the world of PCīs...
But finally, itīs done... *crossing fingers*
Thursday, 13.19 CET |
Ok, not much new except for a post on the Posts page. Itīs a little anecdote (to a picture) from Llorta that gets more funnier every time you hear (read) it.
Check it out!!!
Wednesday, 02.11 CET |
A new post on the posts page, from the Massive load of pictures that LDJ is posting to the newsgroup (in alphabetical order), he said it was something like 300+ Megs of stuff...
So far he has come to the pics starting with the letter, "C". Now thereīs only 25 or so letters to go thru... 25? maybe, idunno. Iīm NOT gonna count how many letters thereīs left in the alphabet to get it right. Itīs late in the night and iīm supposed to get up in less than... *counting*... 6 hours!!!
Anyhoo, gotta go to sleep, so iīll just provide a link to the new post.
Monday, 12.28 CET |
1999-06-07 |
Added some more info on the Autopsy movie on the Movies page. Itīs just some info on the movie, what it is and what happens in it. Read about it and download it Here.
Hey! And thanks for All the positive feedback (mail and guestbook) that i get, it really motivates one to do more and better!
Thanks again!
Sunday, 21.51 CET |
I added some new information on traingirl that i found on ABPG (the newsgroup). Actually the "girl" is an adult female!!! She just wasnīt that tall... SHOCKING MYSTERIES uncovered Here!!!
Saturday, 15.35 CET |
A new post has appeared on ABPG that i HAD to include on the Posts Page. Itīs kinda funny, as they have to be to get on that page, an fine example of Bad humor... :-)
Aaaand itīs from the infamous "Billy the Kid"!!!
Check it out!!!
Saturday, 03.35 CET |
Ok, You Nutscapers (or nEtscapers) forced me to redesign this site (bad conscience when i saw the site thru NN4... :-/), all the jpgs converted (or should i say, REDONE from scratch) to somewhat transparent gifs, getting all the tables together (missing /center tags) and blablablabla!
Iīm glad the update is over, and i hereby Promise to support NN4 fully in my future updates.
To the important stuff, what this site is all about, STILL no funny comments to put on the Posts Page. But one movie has appeared, Domestic.avi. And I added a link (Gallery of the Grotesque) to the links page too... :-) Brief update, but thatīs it.
Good night! errr.. that would be Goooooood Morning here in scandinavia...
Wednesday, 02.58 CET |
Ok... Now i finally got my new pages up, damn that Episode 1 Movie!!! Takes ALL of your time! ;-) I got some new movies up in the movies section (NOT Ep1!!! ;-)), Pedophile.mpg, 2_rapist_shot.avi, and Dental.qt... Checkīem out, i can thank "Little Dirty Johnny" for them except for the Pedophile thing altough HE propably uploaded it to ABPG where i got it from... So i guess, thanks for the movies man! :-)
The Links section is up at last.
And i finished my banner (top of this page), 20 kb in size, feel free to use it to link to my site...
Mmmm... the old index page has been renamed to Posts Page. There havenīt been any new funny posts on ABPG (altough Little Dirty Johnny is currently posting 350mb stuff up there) so i havenīt been able to update it really... But you can send in Your comments and iīll put it there. Go there.